We understand that anytime something new is created that people are going to have a lot of questions. Below we have gathered all those questions and put them together in one place along with the answers.
Don't see an answer to a question you have, send it through to us and we will be more then happy to give you the answer and we will add it to the page.
Don't see an answer to a question you have, send it through to us and we will be more then happy to give you the answer and we will add it to the page.
What is the New Zealand Airsoft League?
The NZAL is a nation wide multi-round Airsoft championship where we combine both casual players and competing squads in a skirmish style conquest game utilising the most advanced points scoring technology for large scale Airsoft.
For NZAL competing squads this is a chance to earn points towards the championship standings and also for casual players to still enjoy Airsoft at their own pace.
The NZAL is a nation wide multi-round Airsoft championship where we combine both casual players and competing squads in a skirmish style conquest game utilising the most advanced points scoring technology for large scale Airsoft.
For NZAL competing squads this is a chance to earn points towards the championship standings and also for casual players to still enjoy Airsoft at their own pace.
Is this speedsoft?
No! This series uses large scale Airsoft fields to create a long duration conquest style skirmish game mode and utilises the electronic Skirmesh system which can accomodate hundreds of players on the field competing all at once.
Where will each round be hosted?
The series will be hosted in different locations around the country. Locations are based on availability for specific dates and may change from year to year to give players opportunity to compete at different fields.
How many rounds will there be and is it an annual series?
The series will be an annual series with a total of 4 rounds with the 4th round being the final where squads will be announced as the NZAL champions.
When will each round be hosted?
Each round will be every 3 months
Do I have to attend every round of the series?
No! A squad or individual player can attend a single round and not be committed to the whole series.
Im not interested in competing but can I still attend?
Yes! We have developed this series so casual players can still attend and play for the entirety of the event/series and still have a great two days of Airsoft at their own pace. This option is what we call the “disruptor player”.
How much does each round cost?
The cost of a ticket for each round of the series will be based on how much it will cost to run that round at that particular site so ticket prices will vary between each round.
How do the championship points work?
Your squad earns points at each round that they enter. These points are then tallied up based on how many rounds you compete in.
At the end of the series the squad that has earned the highest total combined points will be crowned the NZAL Champions. There will be podium placings for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
How many people can be in a championship squad?
You need a minimum of 4 - 6 players to form a squad
Is this a knockout style series?
No! All players can compete and play the entire series even if they were at the bottom of the leaderboard at each round that they attended.
Is each round multiple days and why?
Yes! Each round is 2 days.
The purpose of day one is to cover off all safety aspects of the event, give players the opportunity to get familiar with the field they are playing on, learn the Skirmesh system and how it works, device location, and improve team/squad cohesion.
Yes! Each round is 2 days.
The purpose of day one is to cover off all safety aspects of the event, give players the opportunity to get familiar with the field they are playing on, learn the Skirmesh system and how it works, device location, and improve team/squad cohesion.
Players will then have the best chances of competing at a high level on the second championship day.
Is this an all weather series?
Yes! The event will always go ahead unless extreme weather (storm or natural disaster) stops us from hosting that round. If this is to happen then a new date will be given for that round.
Can clubs or groups enter as many squads as they want?
yes! This series gives clubs and groups the opportunity to enter as many squads as they like. Squads just choose a “squad name” that they retain for the duration of that year.
What if a squad member and or members can’t make a round that the squad is competing in?
Squads can substitute players to make up the minimum number needed or retain the max number allowed for each squad at a given round.
If a club host a round of the series, can they compete?
Yes! Due to the hosting club not being able to practice before they host a round of the series, they can compete with all other squads. All players will have the ability to learn the field and device locations on the first day of the event.
Home field advantage will always play a part but has been mitigated to an acceptable standard. These standards are seen in many different sports around the world.
Will there be a standardised rule set for this series?
Yes! The NZAL is putting together an extensive rulebook that will standardise the rules for each round of the series. This will be released soon.
Special rules may apply based on location for a specific field that the series is being hosted at.
Special rules may apply based on location for a specific field that the series is being hosted at.
Example:Smoke grenades WILL or WILL NOT be allowed based on fire risk at a specific location.
Won’t people cheat more if it’s a competition?
This is not an Airsoft problem but a problem throughout all sports.
The best way to manage cheating is to set a standard that cheating is unacceptable and penalise the players harshly for doing it.
The best way to manage cheating is to set a standard that cheating is unacceptable and penalise the players harshly for doing it.
If a squad member is found to be cheating then this will be detrimental to the squads ability to not only place well at a specific round but may also result in them losing a podium finish in the championship.
In the worse case, the NZAL organises have the ability to ban individuals or even the squads themselves from competing in a single round of the series or a complete ban may be given.
What is the Skirmesh system?
The Skirmesh system is made up of multiple wireless devices that are located in different areas of the Airsoft field.
The devices communicate wirelessly with each other and the "Master" device. These devices are programed to do a multitude of different tasks eg. act as capture points and respawn points.
The devices communicate wirelessly with each other and the "Master" device. These devices are programed to do a multitude of different tasks eg. act as capture points and respawn points.
Players earn points by interacting with each device utilising a Skirmesh wristband that they are wearing which has a unique chip inside of it that is detected by swiping it on a given device.
Each unique wristband is connected to an individual players profile and all points and stats earned are registered to that players profile.
Each unique wristband is connected to an individual players profile and all points and stats earned are registered to that players profile.
What else does Skirmesh provide a player during game play?
By utilising the skirmesh website browser via smartphone or other device, players can gain access to a multitude of information like the "live" tactical map which shows players how their team is progressing on the field in real time.
Team chat function where players can send messages to each other within their team. Both team and individual player scores can also be accessed and viewed in real time during the game play.
Players can also watch the game in playback mode once the game has ended to review how the game played out in its entirety.